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Moeta usecase

What is Moeta?

The word origins from Japanese and means "Burn".

Crypto projects searched for a solution that would provide full visibility into its burns, burn mechanisms and statistics about burns taking place on the blockchain, along with sophisticated integration and reporting functionality. During the initial research and discovery phase, Moeta consulted independent analysts to identify if there is demand. According to the results of the research, it has been clearly visible that Moeta is the only, unique and most effective burn utility that crypto projects are looking for.

Moeta has not only delivered a solution for the space to solve the huge gap around burns and insights to burns, but also created the ultimate "BURN" platform.

Moeta Burn utility

Moeta Burn Utility

more than 550 projects
using moetabot already

Supported chains:
- Ethereum
- Binance
- Arbitrum

The Moeta burn bot works on pure web3 libraries and is coded in python.
It uses fast nodes and tracks any block/tx on the blockchain to identify configured contract related transactions.

The Moeta bot tracks both manually sent burns to the dead wallet as well as automatic burns that goes through e.g. Uniswap or Pancakeswap routers.
Moeta has designed a very user friendly UI for end users to be able to configure the bot in groups to the desired configuration parameters:

  • Minimum step for a notification

  • Emoji configuration

  • Media configuration

  • Media Threshold

  • Option to pin the notification

  • Request burn statistics

Moeta usecase

Moeta Burn utility

Premium Alpha Spotter

Subscribe to the Premium Alpha Spotter

The Premium Alpha Spotter is designed to detect instant liquidity burns and locks on the Ethereum chain using web3. Besides the liquidity burn and lock detection, this utility is filtering out the unsafe and suspicious contracts as far as the API's are allowing to do so.

None of the detected liquidity burns are financial advise, nor guarantees Moeta that the listed contracts are safe to invest in.
Always do your own research



MOETA is the main token for the project, and utility will be added to the token as Moeta grows. The total supply is 1,000,000 MOETA


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MoetaBot advertising

Book your advertising slots on the Moetabot now!
- Affordable & effective Telegram marketing.
- Bot is running in more than 200 Telegram communities.
- Organically seen by thousands of potential Investors.

Why invest in Moeta?

  • Be part of an ecosytem that rewards holders

  • Revenue streams come back into the project

  • Utilities are build with a big scope and vision

  • Moeta utility exist for some time and is used by hundreds of projects

  • The utility has no timelimits and always open for innovative changes/updates


Below you find the roadmap of $MOETA. Click on the image to read more.

How to buy $MOETA

Buying $MOETA is possible by following the instructions below:

Download Metamask
From The App Store or Google Play Store, for free. Or add the desktop browser extension on Google Chrome by going to
Follow their easy steps from their guide to set up a wallet.
When Metamask asks for your signature go ahead and click sign.

Send ETH to Metamask
You can buy ETH directly through Metamask or you can transfer some from another wallet or crypto exchange. You can follow tutorials on Youtube if you get stuck on this step.

Connect to Uniswap
Go to via a desktop browser or inside your Metamask wallet tap the three blue lines at the top left of your screen to reveal your browser.
When Metamask asks for your signature go ahead and click sign.

Swap ETH for $MOETA by inserting our Contract address: 0x238a1fcc2f65ed50c1e1797cf5857cba3e82a55b
Go to via a desktop browser or inside your Metamask wallet.
Click the cog button and change the "Slippage" amount to 0-1% or automatic. Add your desired ETH amount you'd like to swap, once you're happy click the "Swap" button to finalize the trade.


None of the information on this website should be construed as providing legal or financial advice. Please note there are always risks associated with smart contracts. Please use at your own risk. Moeta is not a registered broker, analyst or investment advisor. If you have purchased Moeta, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment. The Moeta team can not be held liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. Do conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

© MOETA. All rights reserved.